
Meaningful and Measurable Wellness from Bridgemark

In this complimentary training, you will learn the FOUR ingredients required of you to craft a relevant, creative, and successful wellness at work solution that PERFECTLY matches your organization or company. 

Meet Your Trainer and Bridgemark Wellness Director

Maya Nahra, RD, DAIS

Maya Nahra is a registered dietitian of over twelve years and a diplomate of the American Institute of Stress. She leads health coach teams to success for our organizations through targeted chronic disease management health coaching with proven and measurable results in the areas of reduced metabolic risk factors, medications and goals, preventing future claims for unhealthy populations.

It works. And it will work for you, even you don't have the time for another project, you'll work smarter not harder, with these four steps.

Bottom-line results for our best clients using the framework you’ll learn in this video training:

report an increase in their overall fruit and vegetable consumption
reduction to elimination of Metabolic Risk Factors (High glucose, low HDL, High TG, High BP, waist circumference)
average percent weight loss (popular weight loss programs today tout 4-5% within the first year).

CONTACT Our Wellness Director at MNahra@BridgemarkUSA.com